Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sometimes things doesn't seems to be the way we wanted
Sometimes things doesn't seems to be the way we planned
Sometimes things doesn't seems to be the way they are
Sometimes things doesn't seems to be the way we expect
Sometimes people will make mistake
And Sometimes you should forgive people for what they did
Sometimes people get angry when they reach their limit
Sometimes some people got bad attitude
Sometimes people think they are very clever
Sometimes people think they are good in everything
Sometimes people don't think on others behalf
Sometimes people are selfish
There are so many Sometimes....
Therefore,forgive people easily while u still live
Don't get angry easily to live healthy
Think before you said something
Think maturely with how old you are
Don't be so childish
Be good to your friends and family
Choose the right time to be angry
Don't think you are the Best of the all
Don't think you are very clever because u still have many things to learn
Lastly,Don't act so BO AKAL !!!
And Today is the day which a handsome guy from my class BIG DAY
Happy Birthday Kel Wen...
Wish you score 4 flat during STPM !!!
Sometimes things doesn't seems to be the way we planned
Sometimes things doesn't seems to be the way they are
Sometimes things doesn't seems to be the way we expect
Sometimes people will make mistake
And Sometimes you should forgive people for what they did
Sometimes people get angry when they reach their limit
Sometimes some people got bad attitude
Sometimes people think they are very clever
Sometimes people think they are good in everything
Sometimes people don't think on others behalf
Sometimes people are selfish
There are so many Sometimes....
Therefore,forgive people easily while u still live
Don't get angry easily to live healthy
Think before you said something
Think maturely with how old you are
Don't be so childish
Be good to your friends and family
Choose the right time to be angry
Don't think you are the Best of the all
Don't think you are very clever because u still have many things to learn
Lastly,Don't act so BO AKAL !!!
And Today is the day which a handsome guy from my class BIG DAY
Happy Birthday Kel Wen...
Wish you score 4 flat during STPM !!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Unsure of everything
There she stood
nowhere to go nowhere to hide
and there someone knock her and wake her up
She try to make everything clear
And there she realize she was dreaming all the while
She thank her for waking her up
from the dreamland
There she stood
nowhere to go nowhere to hide
and there someone knock her and wake her up
She try to make everything clear
And there she realize she was dreaming all the while
She thank her for waking her up
from the dreamland
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
所以 As a conclusion, 不爱最好!!!哈哈 !!!
所以 As a conclusion, 不爱最好!!!哈哈 !!!
I love all the guy ...but hate all of them at the same time....
I always change target...
I'm a Playgirl!!!
So BEWARE!!!!!
p/s:Insane me...XD
I love all the guy ...but hate all of them at the same time....
I always change target...
I'm a Playgirl!!!
So BEWARE!!!!!
p/s:Insane me...XD
Monday, August 3, 2009
107 days count down ~.~
OMG OMG OoooooooOMG !!!!
107 days!!!
Stressful Stressful Stressful!!!!
Living in horror...the dark...the hell is coming....
Any angel come and help me out???
I'm sinking!!!sinking deep into a nowhere...
I promise to myself I won't gonna regret this time like I did last time...
Won't ever regret!!No!!not the second time!!no chance to regret!!
Study hard is my duty now!!!
p/s:mentally illness me.....
107 days!!!
Stressful Stressful Stressful!!!!
Living in horror...the dark...the hell is coming....
Any angel come and help me out???
I'm sinking!!!sinking deep into a nowhere...
I promise to myself I won't gonna regret this time like I did last time...
Won't ever regret!!No!!not the second time!!no chance to regret!!
Study hard is my duty now!!!
p/s:mentally illness me.....
Friday, July 10, 2009
This First ever horoscope description that are so ACCURATE about me~~
年輕的魔羯都是很單純的,我想他們也不會知道自己將從天使變成惡魔,魔羯座的人天生善良,感情也都很脆弱,也許會因為一些很小的事情難過很長時間,所以他們通常在表面表現的酷酷的與事隔離的樣子,其實他們只是不希望讓別人看到他脆弱的一面,堅強,理智,承受是魔羯的代名詞,他們並不是很隨便的表達自己所想,他們希望瞭解身邊所有人的性格,並不是因為好奇,好像只是因為一種安全感,為了保護自己魔羯生出了一種特殊能力。 魔羯相對任何星座來比能在最短時間看出一個人的性格無論他們在如何隱藏,這點很像天蠍但是他們卻看不出對方的心,他們很容易就會瞭解到他們身邊每一個人的優缺點,但是他們通常不會說出來,也不會太介意,所有的魔羯都很包容對方請記得,如果有一隻魔羯指出你的缺點那一定是友善的,雖然他們會用一種諷刺的口氣來指出. 所有魔羯都擁有2個性格,只是大部分魔羯都不願意去接受,因為他們希望自己永遠的傻傻的活下去,魔羯的壞可以媲美過所有星座,也許他們不相信,但是隨著時間的積累魔羯的人在慢慢變壞,其實這也是一種自我保護,他們需要知道瞭解自己最後的一張王牌,做不做就看對方是否達到讓魔羯抱負的地步了,這並不是在表揚,似乎用陰險可以形容,當魔羯討厭一個人的時候那就是一種絕對,魔羯不會隨便討厭一個人,但是如果哪個人做的太過分,這個人會從魔羯心底徹底抹殺,如果這個人激怒了魔羯,呵呵那麼這個人就只能等著災難的降臨。 魔羯是個比較城府的人,他們不會表面去得罪了,但是他們會計劃著讓這個人知道他所做的事情將會給自己帶來多大的回報,魔羯的報復手段極其殘忍,他會加倍的還給你,(如果你有一天遭受到摸名的災難那麼你去想想你在什麼時候得罪了魔羯)魔羯並不會隨便的去加害一個人,因為魔羯也討厭自己的壞,他們是天才的殺手,一切的一切從很早以前就做好計劃,而且這些計劃在沒有事件出現前他們就在考慮如何完美並無破綻的進行報復計劃,也許這些和他的悲觀有些聯繫,魔羯的人很瞭解世界,但他們固執的相信美好儘管自己知道那是不可能的,大部分魔羯都討厭壞壞的自己,當然想拋棄自己是不可能的。 朋友(最喜歡裝傻的星座) 魔羯的人都很沒有安全感,他們喜歡在任何人面前裝傻,這可不是一般的裝傻能力,魔羯人聰明就在於這點,他們認為只有傻子在會不牽扯到任何傷害,與其做一個聰明的人不如當一個傻子平凡而又隨意,如果不是值得魔羯相信的朋友魔羯永遠不會讓對方知道自己會有智慧,而無論安全與不安全魔羯對朋友都很真,他們很珍惜些朋友。 他們最希望獲得朋友的信任,如果從一個朋友那裡得不到信任,他不會再與這個朋友交往下去.和魔羯接觸過的人都會認為他們脾氣很好,好的似乎發傻,其實他們並不是脾氣好,只是他們很會裝,因為他們瞭解身邊的朋友的所有性格,所以他們在包容對方,就算你做了什麼過分的事,他們也早就想考慮好如果對方為什麼會這樣做,最明顯一點,你們可以去看看身邊魔羯的朋友,無論你怎麼做那些魔羯都不會很驚訝的,其實他們已經知道你為什麼會這樣了.魔羯的交友觀也很隨便,他們可能會和貴族很好,也可能會和乞丐聊天,一切的一切只是心靈的交往,很少有魔羯會有勢力眼,除非你這個人品太差了。 感情(超級白癡) 魔羯的人傻的可以,他們並不瞭解愛情,但是他們只知道愛的感覺,對於他們任何感情的表達都是一種感覺,他們很認真的感受每一個感覺,大部分感覺都可以一個人去感覺,最失敗的愛卻要兩個人,傻傻的魔羯一開始會認為,愛你是我自己的事情和你沒關係,可是到後來越來越感覺不是滋味,於是開始對對方表白,表白成功後卻不知道如何走下一步,也許是太不浪漫在作祟,魔羯的人可能會拿任何事情開玩笑,但是在愛情方面只要他說出"我愛你"或者話題談到將來結婚,那麼他絕對不是在開玩笑,魔羯很物質,但是這點和金牛處女不一樣,他們的物質表現在愛上,他們認為給所愛的人帶來無限的物質的就是最大的幸福,因為他們很自卑,唯一能用自己努力獲得來的就只有物質了。 當自己努力的去讓自己所愛的人幸福的時候,自己所愛的人卻因為其他的其他離開了他,而到最後自己卻不明白自己到底做錯了什麼,真是可憐的傢伙們. 追求: 魔羯的追求是認真的,只要對方不讓魔羯認為完全沒有機會,魔羯就會像瘋子一樣的追求著,他們其實對自己非常沒有信心,唯一的動力只是相信自己在愛著,為了對的起自己的感情,為了認真的去愛一回. 被追求: 魔羯對於不喜歡的人不會給予任何機會,魔羯的人很善良,而且他們知道長痛不如短痛的道理,如果魔羯勉強接受了你,那也是出於一種同情心,但是交往沒幾天他們就開始內疚,他們認為憐憫的愛對追求者來說是一種傷害,他們會盡量的躲避並且對追求者很冷淡追求者盡量的讓追求者開始討厭她/他.如果追求者不理解的話,放心最長不超過一年,魔羯會很理智的告訴你別在聯繫了,她/他會消失的無影無縱. 拒絕: 如果魔羯真的愛了就不會去拒絕你,永遠不會.被拒絕: 魔羯比任何一個星座對感情都很認真,恢復傷痕的時間也很長,他們會選擇消失,這樣對你對他都有好處,因為他怕多看你一眼而又再次無法自拔 他怕再多看你一眼 心如刀割
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I felt that this statement was kinda correct for SOME of the guys..
They always felt that they are so popular that many girl like them..
But they are wrong!!!
Girls admire you because of your characteristic but doesn't mean that
you can be proud and look down at the girls then said something awful to her..
p:s/in the opposite there were also some girls who act like that,isn't it??
I felt that this statement was kinda correct for SOME of the guys..
They always felt that they are so popular that many girl like them..
But they are wrong!!!
Girls admire you because of your characteristic but doesn't mean that
you can be proud and look down at the girls then said something awful to her..
p:s/in the opposite there were also some girls who act like that,isn't it??
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
SAkura Modern
White clouds stretch high into the sky
This day, the colors of every winter
Flow between the buildings
As cherry blossom branches float in the river
Swaying slowly, the stiff bud
Is a lady’s heart, full of love for you
When spring comes, what kind of flower
Will bloom from this love and float down before you?
I may not resemble a blooming flower
But I do have an ephemeral dream
Of a flower blooming fully in the winds of your eyes
A cherry blossom called love
The pain I found when we met for the first time
Fills me up like the crescent moon
Every time I see you, our lips draw close
And I break apart with each kiss
Swaying slowly, you’re one in the same
Walking with your emotions
Before long, the blessed snow
Will fall and cover all lovers
Inside the radiance of the brilliant city
This love is still but a bud
Cherry blossom, bloom in the winter night
What makes people’s tears fall whenever they discover love?
When spring comes, what kind of flower
Will bloom from this love and float down before you?
I may not resemble a blooming flower
But I do have an ephemeral dream
Of a flower blooming fully in the winds of your eyes
A cherry blossom called love
This day, the colors of every winter
Flow between the buildings
As cherry blossom branches float in the river
Swaying slowly, the stiff bud
Is a lady’s heart, full of love for you
When spring comes, what kind of flower
Will bloom from this love and float down before you?
I may not resemble a blooming flower
But I do have an ephemeral dream
Of a flower blooming fully in the winds of your eyes
A cherry blossom called love
The pain I found when we met for the first time
Fills me up like the crescent moon
Every time I see you, our lips draw close
And I break apart with each kiss
Swaying slowly, you’re one in the same
Walking with your emotions
Before long, the blessed snow
Will fall and cover all lovers
Inside the radiance of the brilliant city
This love is still but a bud
Cherry blossom, bloom in the winter night
What makes people’s tears fall whenever they discover love?
When spring comes, what kind of flower
Will bloom from this love and float down before you?
I may not resemble a blooming flower
But I do have an ephemeral dream
Of a flower blooming fully in the winds of your eyes
A cherry blossom called love
Friday, May 8, 2009
hmmm....Wanna See spider???
Here comes the spider woman!!!
Well,this happened a long time ago...
Hmmm,about 3 months ago...
That night...
Before CNY,me and my sis was watching Jacky Chan movie..
That time was about 3a.m in the morning..
Then I felt something crawling my leg...
I jumped from my sofa...
ahahahaha....then a sudden pain spread through my leg...
No la joking joking...(If the spider really crawl across my leg,I think I would have fainted)
Well,continue my stories..
I was going to toilet without wearing specs
Suddenly I saw something crawling across the floor..
I was like wth...what is that huh???
Cause I was a bit sleepy that time...since it was 3 am already
Then I went to check again what was that thing...
Then I caught this....or I can said trap it...


The size of it is kinda big...This spider got hairy legs and body...
luckily I caught it if not it will wandering around my house during CNY...
Well,this happened a long time ago...
Hmmm,about 3 months ago...
That night...
Before CNY,me and my sis was watching Jacky Chan movie..
That time was about 3a.m in the morning..
Then I felt something crawling my leg...
I jumped from my sofa...
ahahahaha....then a sudden pain spread through my leg...
No la joking joking...(If the spider really crawl across my leg,I think I would have fainted)
Well,continue my stories..
I was going to toilet without wearing specs
Suddenly I saw something crawling across the floor..
I was like wth...what is that huh???
Cause I was a bit sleepy that time...since it was 3 am already
Then I went to check again what was that thing...
Then I caught this....or I can said trap it...


The size of it is kinda big...This spider got hairy legs and body...
luckily I caught it if not it will wandering around my house during CNY...
Today I ponteng school
Didn't went school cause today is sports day.
Well,today I help my mum cooked my favorite dishes
That is SARAWAK LAKSA!!!!!
This is the dishes I love the most,
well since this is not the dishes that you got the chance to eat it everyday
So,I'm quite exciting bout it...
As usual,I helped my mum to fried the egg and cut it into small strips
Then I helped her fried the prawn too
Then she deal with the chicken since I not even dare to touch it,
cause it looks horrible to me...
Watching my mum tear out the lungs or the inner part of the chicken,
makes me feel like eeeww~~ gross man...
But when it is cooked it tasted so delicious...weird huh~~??
Then my mum cooked the soup and.... add the coconut milk so it'll taste good...
Sarawak Laksa is somehow like our Penang 'Curry mee'...it does look like...
But taste differently...this is the special part about it....
When I was in Sarawak...I almost eat it everyday..that is why I scare to stay there
Cause I always gained weight when the time I came back...
But the life in Sarawak are totally different compare to Penang ,and the most important thing was that you feel happy and relax while staying there..
Here is the photo that I have taken just now~~
The egg~~

The Laksa packet~~

The prawn that I fried~~haha~~

Looks weird ei??
The soup b4 adding the coconut milk

And the santan

At last...............The SARAWAK LAksa..

YUmmy....taste so good....Eat till my stomach like was gonna blow!!!
p/s:so happy though ^^
Didn't went school cause today is sports day.
Well,today I help my mum cooked my favorite dishes
That is SARAWAK LAKSA!!!!!
This is the dishes I love the most,
well since this is not the dishes that you got the chance to eat it everyday
So,I'm quite exciting bout it...
As usual,I helped my mum to fried the egg and cut it into small strips
Then I helped her fried the prawn too
Then she deal with the chicken since I not even dare to touch it,
cause it looks horrible to me...
Watching my mum tear out the lungs or the inner part of the chicken,
makes me feel like eeeww~~ gross man...
But when it is cooked it tasted so delicious...weird huh~~??
Then my mum cooked the soup and.... add the coconut milk so it'll taste good...
Sarawak Laksa is somehow like our Penang 'Curry mee'...it does look like...
But taste differently...this is the special part about it....
When I was in Sarawak...I almost eat it everyday..that is why I scare to stay there
Cause I always gained weight when the time I came back...
But the life in Sarawak are totally different compare to Penang ,and the most important thing was that you feel happy and relax while staying there..
Here is the photo that I have taken just now~~
The egg~~

The Laksa packet~~

The prawn that I fried~~haha~~

Looks weird ei??
The soup b4 adding the coconut milk

And the santan

At last...............The SARAWAK LAksa..

YUmmy....taste so good....Eat till my stomach like was gonna blow!!!
p/s:so happy though ^^
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I'm back~~~
Wow,so many months didn't update my blog already....
Seems like dead now...
So,I had MUET speaking test today...
It gone quite well....but not as good as the others ...
but still better than the situation last year
Hope I can get a Band 4 or even higher this time...
Having fever now...don't know whether it is Swine flu or not??
So tomorrow I'm not going to school .... But actually I already decided it since last week...
Cause CL is having sports day tomorrow so nothing to do to be at there...
That's all for today!!
p/s:hope everything will be in peace....no war please you guys!!!
Seems like dead now...
So,I had MUET speaking test today...
It gone quite well....but not as good as the others ...
but still better than the situation last year
Hope I can get a Band 4 or even higher this time...
Having fever now...don't know whether it is Swine flu or not??
So tomorrow I'm not going to school .... But actually I already decided it since last week...
Cause CL is having sports day tomorrow so nothing to do to be at there...
That's all for today!!
p/s:hope everything will be in peace....no war please you guys!!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Time goes by as My h3art melted away
Tick Tick Tick
Time is tickling
wHile I was dreaming every time
everyone are happy except me
everyone are full of happiness but not me
I was once very obstinate towards thing
but now I don't know whether I still act like this?
I endure my pain without any complaints
And You are harassing my thought again,again and again
make me ponder about it every night..
You are once an impartial person
But why not now??
Although sometimes,something are inevitable
but you hurt me a lot!!
I wander around while my thought was on you
I felt I am eligible to gave out my thought
But you not only didn't accepted it but scolded on me
Even wanna slap me on the spot
I am so disappointed on you
but what I can do is do nothing
every time You watched me with enmity
makes my wound deeper,deeper and deeper
p/s:hopes my wound will heal as soon as possible
and do hope that our relationship will improve sooner or later
Love ya
Time is tickling
wHile I was dreaming every time
everyone are happy except me
everyone are full of happiness but not me
I was once very obstinate towards thing
but now I don't know whether I still act like this?
I endure my pain without any complaints
And You are harassing my thought again,again and again
make me ponder about it every night..
You are once an impartial person
But why not now??
Although sometimes,something are inevitable
but you hurt me a lot!!
I wander around while my thought was on you
I felt I am eligible to gave out my thought
But you not only didn't accepted it but scolded on me
Even wanna slap me on the spot
I am so disappointed on you
but what I can do is do nothing
every time You watched me with enmity
makes my wound deeper,deeper and deeper
p/s:hopes my wound will heal as soon as possible
and do hope that our relationship will improve sooner or later
Love ya
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Remember those walls I built
Well, baby they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make up a sound
I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now
It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
It's the risk that I'm takin'
I ain't never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again
Feels like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
The risk that I'm takin'
I'm never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Halo, halo
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Well, baby they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make up a sound
I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now
It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
It's the risk that I'm takin'
I ain't never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again
Feels like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
The risk that I'm takin'
I'm never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Halo, halo
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Many things happened lately
Makes me feel very desperate
But luckily still got some of my good friends cheers me up in between
If not I don't know what will I gonna be right now
Suddenly think of the old habit I used to have
when I was frustrated sad desperate I'll did 'that'
It makes me feel better
But immediately I erased the thought of it
Cause I have changed compared to the last time
I'm not the weak and useless one
I'm stronger now
and more mature..(am I?)
I'll stand up by myself
with my own feet
I'll be BETTER now
No more tears ( really? not sure. )
Makes me feel very desperate
But luckily still got some of my good friends cheers me up in between
If not I don't know what will I gonna be right now
Suddenly think of the old habit I used to have
when I was frustrated sad desperate I'll did 'that'
It makes me feel better
But immediately I erased the thought of it
Cause I have changed compared to the last time
I'm not the weak and useless one
I'm stronger now
and more mature..(am I?)
I'll stand up by myself
with my own feet
I'll be BETTER now
No more tears ( really? not sure. )
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The haunting of connecticut


I saw this movie trailer last night...
While I was watching a damn good movie TAKEN
Wow,really an amazing movie that my friend introduced me to watch...
It was a 2008 movie...about kidnapping teenage girls and let them had drugs then become prostitude ...
The film follows an ex-CIA "Preventer" skilled in hand to hand combat who must rescue his daughter after she is kidnapped during her Paris vacation by human trafficking|sex-traffickers.
Very exciting and amazing movie...And show how bad and worse the human were now..
very interesting too..
And about this Haunting of connecticut...will be on cinema at march 27...
But not in our country!!Damn!!!I wanna watch it!!
Guess I have to downloaded it...
This movie trailer attracted my attention..
Therefore,I guess it is a good movie though...
Friday, March 20, 2009
Commit suicide
I think I'm going to Tanjung Rambutan soon...
Oh Gosh,everyday cold war....
What the ....
I'm tired of this....can't you all give me some times ???
To rest???
And do what I wanted to do???
Why can't you all just give me freedom????
My heads gonna blow....
Friends,you probably will see me at one of the mentally hospital...
I'm really gonna commit suicide sooner or later..
Oh Gosh,everyday cold war....
What the ....
I'm tired of this....can't you all give me some times ???
To rest???
And do what I wanted to do???
Why can't you all just give me freedom????
My heads gonna blow....
Friends,you probably will see me at one of the mentally hospital...
I'm really gonna commit suicide sooner or later..
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Love Lockdown - Kayne West
I'm not lovin you, way I wanted to
What I had to do, had to run from you
I'm in love with you, but the vibe is wrong
And that haunted me, all the way home
So ya never know, never never know
Never know enough, til it's over love
Til we lose control, system overload
Screamin no no no, no no
I'm not lovin you, way I wanted to
See I wanna move, but can't escape from you
So I keep it low, keep a secret code
So everybody else don't have to know
So keep ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Keepin ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Now keep ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Now keep ya love locked down, you lose
I'm not lovin you, way I wanted to
I can't keep my cool, so I keep it true
I got somethin to lose, so I gotta move
I can't keep myself, and still keep you too
So I keep in mind, when I'm on my own
Somewhere far from home, In the danger zone
How many times did I take fo' it finally got through
You lose, you lose
I'm not lovin you, way I wanted to
See I had to go, see I had to move
No more wastin time, you can't wait for life
We're just racin time, wheres the finish line
So keep ya love locked down, ya love locked down
keepin ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Now keep ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Now keep ya love locked down, you lose
I'm not lovin you, the way I wanted to
I met no one new, I got no one new
Know I said I'm through, but got love for you
But I'm not lovin you, the way I wanted to
Gotta keep it goin, keep the lovin goin
Keep it on a roll, only god knows
If I'll be with you, baby I'm confused
You choose, you choose
I'm not lovin you, way I wanted to
Where I gotta go, I don't need you
I been on this road, too many times before
I'm not lovin you, way I wanted to
So keep ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Keepin ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Now keep ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Now keep ya love locked down, you lose, you lose
You lose...You lose...You lose
What I had to do, had to run from you
I'm in love with you, but the vibe is wrong
And that haunted me, all the way home
So ya never know, never never know
Never know enough, til it's over love
Til we lose control, system overload
Screamin no no no, no no
I'm not lovin you, way I wanted to
See I wanna move, but can't escape from you
So I keep it low, keep a secret code
So everybody else don't have to know
So keep ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Keepin ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Now keep ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Now keep ya love locked down, you lose
I'm not lovin you, way I wanted to
I can't keep my cool, so I keep it true
I got somethin to lose, so I gotta move
I can't keep myself, and still keep you too
So I keep in mind, when I'm on my own
Somewhere far from home, In the danger zone
How many times did I take fo' it finally got through
You lose, you lose
I'm not lovin you, way I wanted to
See I had to go, see I had to move
No more wastin time, you can't wait for life
We're just racin time, wheres the finish line
So keep ya love locked down, ya love locked down
keepin ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Now keep ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Now keep ya love locked down, you lose
I'm not lovin you, the way I wanted to
I met no one new, I got no one new
Know I said I'm through, but got love for you
But I'm not lovin you, the way I wanted to
Gotta keep it goin, keep the lovin goin
Keep it on a roll, only god knows
If I'll be with you, baby I'm confused
You choose, you choose
I'm not lovin you, way I wanted to
Where I gotta go, I don't need you
I been on this road, too many times before
I'm not lovin you, way I wanted to
So keep ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Keepin ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Now keep ya love locked down, ya love locked down
Now keep ya love locked down, you lose, you lose
You lose...You lose...You lose
I had a wonderful dream last night....
I dream about you...
Holding my hands and ask me to keep moving on...
But when I tried to have a good look on you....
You disappeared...Leaving me with a smile ...
Although I don't know who you are....
But in my dreams I felt the happiness that came from deep inside my heart...
haha...Then I woke up!!!
Study again...=(.....
Cause exam is just NEXT WEEK!!!Gosh!!!help me mum...dad...son.....
I had a wonderful dream last night....
I dream about you...
Holding my hands and ask me to keep moving on...
But when I tried to have a good look on you....
You disappeared...Leaving me with a smile ...
Although I don't know who you are....
But in my dreams I felt the happiness that came from deep inside my heart...
haha...Then I woke up!!!
Study again...=(.....
Cause exam is just NEXT WEEK!!!Gosh!!!help me mum...dad...son.....
Sunday, March 1, 2009
You Have No Idea What You're Getting Yourself Into
Does it Offend you,yeah??
This is the band's name...COOL HUH??!!!
Love their songs so much especially WE ARE ROCKSTARS !!!!or BEING BAD FEELS REALLY GOOD...haha they are special,even their songs name were so special!!
Their Album YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE GETTING YOURSELF INTO released at spring 2008..but they become the ninth most listened band in 2008 at UK!!
Damn good baby!!


Their members are:
* James Rushent – lead vocals, bass guitar
* Dan Coop – synth
* Rob Bloomfield – drums
* Morgan Quaintance – guitar
COOL!!I love techno songs so much!!
Does it Offend you,yeah??
This is the band's name...COOL HUH??!!!
Love their songs so much especially WE ARE ROCKSTARS !!!!or BEING BAD FEELS REALLY GOOD...haha they are special,even their songs name were so special!!
Their Album YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE GETTING YOURSELF INTO released at spring 2008..but they become the ninth most listened band in 2008 at UK!!
Damn good baby!!


Their members are:
* James Rushent – lead vocals, bass guitar
* Dan Coop – synth
* Rob Bloomfield – drums
* Morgan Quaintance – guitar
COOL!!I love techno songs so much!!
In the night, I hear 'em talk,
the coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless...
How could you be so heartless?
Oh... How could you be so heartless?
How could you be so, cold as the winter wind when it breeze, yo
Just remember that you talkin' to me though
You need to watch the way you talkin' to me, yo
I mean after all the things that we've been through
I mean after all the things we got into
Hey yo, I know of some things that you ain't told me
Hey yo, I did some things but that's the old me
And now you wanna get me back and you gon' show me
So you walk around like you don't know me
You got a new friend, while I got homies
But in the end it's still so lonely
In the night, I hear 'em talk,
the coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless...
How could you be so heartless?
Oh... How could you be so heartless?
How could you be so Dr. Evil, you bringin' out a side of me that I dont know...
I decided we weren't gon' speak so
Why we up 3 A.M. on the phone
Why does she be so mad at me fo'
Homie I dont know, she's hot and cold
I won't stop, won't mess my groove up
'Cause I already know how this thing go
You run and tell your friends that you're leaving me
They say that they don't see what you see in me
You wait a couple months then you gon' see
You'll never find nobody better than me
In the night, I hear 'em talk,
the coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless...
How could you be so heartless?
Oh... How could you be so heartless?
Talkin', talkin', talkin', talk
Baby let's just knock it off
They don't know what we been through
They don't know 'bout me and you
So I got something new to see
And you just gon' keep hatin' me
And we just gon' be enemies
I know you can't believe
I could just leave it wrong
And you can't make it right
I'm gon' take off tonight
Into the night....
In the night, I hear 'em talk,
the coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless...
How could you be so heartless?
Oh... How could you be so heartless?
the coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless...
How could you be so heartless?
Oh... How could you be so heartless?
How could you be so, cold as the winter wind when it breeze, yo
Just remember that you talkin' to me though
You need to watch the way you talkin' to me, yo
I mean after all the things that we've been through
I mean after all the things we got into
Hey yo, I know of some things that you ain't told me
Hey yo, I did some things but that's the old me
And now you wanna get me back and you gon' show me
So you walk around like you don't know me
You got a new friend, while I got homies
But in the end it's still so lonely
In the night, I hear 'em talk,
the coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless...
How could you be so heartless?
Oh... How could you be so heartless?
How could you be so Dr. Evil, you bringin' out a side of me that I dont know...
I decided we weren't gon' speak so
Why we up 3 A.M. on the phone
Why does she be so mad at me fo'
Homie I dont know, she's hot and cold
I won't stop, won't mess my groove up
'Cause I already know how this thing go
You run and tell your friends that you're leaving me
They say that they don't see what you see in me
You wait a couple months then you gon' see
You'll never find nobody better than me
In the night, I hear 'em talk,
the coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless...
How could you be so heartless?
Oh... How could you be so heartless?
Talkin', talkin', talkin', talk
Baby let's just knock it off
They don't know what we been through
They don't know 'bout me and you
So I got something new to see
And you just gon' keep hatin' me
And we just gon' be enemies
I know you can't believe
I could just leave it wrong
And you can't make it right
I'm gon' take off tonight
Into the night....
In the night, I hear 'em talk,
the coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless...
How could you be so heartless?
Oh... How could you be so heartless?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
To My Friends Who Are............PLAYBOY/GIRL TYPE
Never say 'I love you' if you don't care.
Never talk about feelings if they aren't there.
Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.
Never look in the eye when all you do is lie.
The cruelest thing a girl can do to a guy is to let him fall in love
when she doesn't intend to catch his fall and it works
both ways...
Never say 'I love you' if you don't care.
Never talk about feelings if they aren't there.
Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.
Never look in the eye when all you do is lie.
The cruelest thing a girl can do to a guy is to let him fall in love
when she doesn't intend to catch his fall and it works
both ways...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
JUSt wanna Laugh till my breath is finished!!!!
Why this world become like this??????????
So fUnny!!!!
Why this world become like this??????????
So fUnny!!!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Prince of Iceland
Cold..and..shivered in the middle of ICeland..
Him with
No feelings no guts...
No dignity no doubt...
Cold blooded....no feelings...
No hope....
Successfully Make My heart frozen to death...
death till the end....
tears hang in the middle of century...frozen...
in this cold cold world...which controlled by
The Prince of Iceland
Him with
No feelings no guts...
No dignity no doubt...
Cold blooded....no feelings...
No hope....
Successfully Make My heart frozen to death...
death till the end....
tears hang in the middle of century...frozen...
in this cold cold world...which controlled by
The Prince of Iceland
Monday, February 16, 2009
I shouldn't did that..should I??
I'm so so so so sorry...
Really really sorry....
I know I'm cruel...I know I hurt you a lot....
But I really have to do so...if not there will be no benefit for both of us ...
Terribly sorry about you...
I appreciate it ......but I really hope you can recover as quickly as possible....
I know I hurt you more than I knew.....
Just wanna apologize here....with true heart...really very sorry about you!!!
p:s/I shouldn't have said that....I'm sorry....
Really really sorry....
I know I'm cruel...I know I hurt you a lot....
But I really have to do so...if not there will be no benefit for both of us ...
Terribly sorry about you...
I appreciate it ......but I really hope you can recover as quickly as possible....
I know I hurt you more than I knew.....
Just wanna apologize here....with true heart...really very sorry about you!!!
p:s/I shouldn't have said that....I'm sorry....
Monday, February 2, 2009
A body Without its soul
This few days I've been in a 'body without soul' condition...
I don't know what make me or cause me to be like this...
But I don't like being this way...
I've been thinking quite a lot this few days...
Something is currently bothering me at this moment...
But I'm not sure what it is..
There are too much worries I'm having now...
My academic...My results are going down the slope without stopping...
My future....No bright light shine it to guide me with...
My life...boring and without colour that make it become more beautiful and interesting....
Sometimes I've been thinking...I like maths...and always will do...
But how come my maths are becoming worse and worse???I even forget what teacher taught today....Why??Is there something wrong with me???Am I too pressuring myself??
I don't know..What I know is I'm getting worse than ever...
My life...Uncolourful...Is that true???
No fun??No joy???
I bet I have been through this but sometimes I just feel lonely...very lonely..
Is it too protecting myself will become lonely sometimes???
I don't know..I'm not sure...
I'm becoming like unsociable now...I'm too tired of everything...
Or I can said that I'm running away from my trouble???I'm fear to face it??
Is that true???
I just don't know....
Everything that I've done are not going well as I wanted to....
Like now,I realize that my English are terrible...It doesn't seems to be fluent when I read it out loud...
Technically proven that my grammar are getting worse and worse...
But how come I'm so lazy to learn everything??Or am I tired of everything...
I'm just 19 years old...Am I suppose to be tired???
NO!!Cause I still have a long way to go...right??
I don't like to be this way..So I'm gonna be myself again after I'm done with my thinking....^^
Cheer For myself!!!
I don't know what make me or cause me to be like this...
But I don't like being this way...
I've been thinking quite a lot this few days...
Something is currently bothering me at this moment...
But I'm not sure what it is..
There are too much worries I'm having now...
My academic...My results are going down the slope without stopping...
My future....No bright light shine it to guide me with...
My life...boring and without colour that make it become more beautiful and interesting....
Sometimes I've been thinking...I like maths...and always will do...
But how come my maths are becoming worse and worse???I even forget what teacher taught today....Why??Is there something wrong with me???Am I too pressuring myself??
I don't know..What I know is I'm getting worse than ever...
My life...Uncolourful...Is that true???
No fun??No joy???
I bet I have been through this but sometimes I just feel lonely...very lonely..
Is it too protecting myself will become lonely sometimes???
I don't know..I'm not sure...
I'm becoming like unsociable now...I'm too tired of everything...
Or I can said that I'm running away from my trouble???I'm fear to face it??
Is that true???
I just don't know....
Everything that I've done are not going well as I wanted to....
Like now,I realize that my English are terrible...It doesn't seems to be fluent when I read it out loud...
Technically proven that my grammar are getting worse and worse...
But how come I'm so lazy to learn everything??Or am I tired of everything...
I'm just 19 years old...Am I suppose to be tired???
NO!!Cause I still have a long way to go...right??
I don't like to be this way..So I'm gonna be myself again after I'm done with my thinking....^^
Cheer For myself!!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Chinese New Year
30th night
Nothing special today,just went to grandma house and had a steamboat dinner...then went back home around 11 something...Then watched a movie named evil twins something like that...A korean ghost movie...kinda great, love it a lot...Then my mum scolded me cause Chinese New Year watch Ghost film plus my 3 year old sister watched it with me...And she kinda scare that time...haha..Then doing something until 3 am in the morning and sleep around 4am..hehe
Day 1
Kinda bored today,went to grandma house go 'Bai Nian'...The fun part is taking ang pau...The bored part is sitting there watching movie for the rest of the day...But when other of my cousin came we chit chat and play cards..
Day 2
Went to my Dad's friend house 'Bai Nian' so tired cause go many places today.....just go 'Bai Nian' and take ang pau...nothing more.....Sien..Then after reach home my Dad's friend come and have to welcome them...Then watch my husband movie 'The banquet' .... No ending..swt -.-..But he died in the movie..sad...haha
DAy 3
Gurney!!here I come!!Went gurney with my cousin...purpose:Watch movie All Well End well...But!!!Wednesday....Imagine the people queue till the escalator there..OMG!!!The movie we wanted to watch is selling fast and sold out even.....Then at the end we bought the movie ticket 'Inkheart'...Then I met Sin Yi,Shier Khee,Wan Min and Jonathan...then after chat for awhile they went into the cinema...Before I went in the cinema I saw Andy...Haha...he shouted:'Happy new Year'... very loud in front the cinema...scare diok me....haha...After the movie we went back home lo...
Day 4
Haha...Monitor didn't go this gathering so let me, the assistant monitor mark the attendance.....Here we go...Chia Hoey,Hwey Miin,Sin Wah,Choon Yann,Phui Nee,Angeline,Yi May,Mei Xun,Lay Cheng,Li Ching,Guendeline,Gaik Lin,Gaik Pin,Lay Yin,Yan Ying,Ger Li,and Me...total 17 ppl...we went to House of steamboat..Our 5S2 gathering...there were so crowded my god!!!Smoke everywhere...beh dong....But the fun part is we After 2 years finally met again...I MISS YOU ALL.....Muakzz....We took a lot of photos.....But Not in my camera(Cause I forget to bring camera)...in our camera girl/head prefect's camera....So I'm waiting her to post it....So happy....Can met all of you.....
Tick tick tick,time passes by with a glimpse....So fast .... Two years since we graduate...We didn't even realize it....It's been like we all are been together yesterday....So Miss those day...Really miss it a lot!!Now its been store in our memory...I'll never forget our 5S2 days.....And everyone don't forget our promises....LOVE YA!!!
p/s:met someone with his gf...haha....
Day 5
Went to queensbay for a walk...with my Best fRiend/Girlfriend/wife....haha...I used to have a lot of wife...But the other wife (LC) can't make it...so left one with me...and cheng and HM.....then we chit chat till 3 something then go back ad.....Then go my wife(GL) house chat till 5pm...then go my Other friend house for awhile....They playing cards..so don wan disturb them...haha...cause someone is losing at that time.....so went back home early....so bored...
Thats all...Boring holiday.....haha...but better this year...Went here and there....
p/s:our promises...every year of CNY we will gathering on 'che si'....so must keep our promises...
Love you all!!!MUAKZZ
Nothing special today,just went to grandma house and had a steamboat dinner...then went back home around 11 something...Then watched a movie named evil twins something like that...A korean ghost movie...kinda great, love it a lot...Then my mum scolded me cause Chinese New Year watch Ghost film plus my 3 year old sister watched it with me...And she kinda scare that time...haha..Then doing something until 3 am in the morning and sleep around 4am..hehe
Day 1
Kinda bored today,went to grandma house go 'Bai Nian'...The fun part is taking ang pau...The bored part is sitting there watching movie for the rest of the day...But when other of my cousin came we chit chat and play cards..
Day 2
Went to my Dad's friend house 'Bai Nian' so tired cause go many places today.....just go 'Bai Nian' and take ang pau...nothing more.....Sien..Then after reach home my Dad's friend come and have to welcome them...Then watch my husband movie 'The banquet' .... No ending..swt -.-..But he died in the movie..sad...haha
DAy 3
Gurney!!here I come!!Went gurney with my cousin...purpose:Watch movie All Well End well...But!!!Wednesday....Imagine the people queue till the escalator there..OMG!!!The movie we wanted to watch is selling fast and sold out even.....Then at the end we bought the movie ticket 'Inkheart'...Then I met Sin Yi,Shier Khee,Wan Min and Jonathan...then after chat for awhile they went into the cinema...Before I went in the cinema I saw Andy...Haha...he shouted:'Happy new Year'... very loud in front the cinema...scare diok me....haha...After the movie we went back home lo...
Day 4
Haha...Monitor didn't go this gathering so let me, the assistant monitor mark the attendance.....Here we go...Chia Hoey,Hwey Miin,Sin Wah,Choon Yann,Phui Nee,Angeline,Yi May,Mei Xun,Lay Cheng,Li Ching,Guendeline,Gaik Lin,Gaik Pin,Lay Yin,Yan Ying,Ger Li,and Me...total 17 ppl...we went to House of steamboat..Our 5S2 gathering...there were so crowded my god!!!Smoke everywhere...beh dong....But the fun part is we After 2 years finally met again...I MISS YOU ALL.....Muakzz....We took a lot of photos.....But Not in my camera(Cause I forget to bring camera)...in our camera girl/head prefect's camera....So I'm waiting her to post it....So happy....Can met all of you.....
Tick tick tick,time passes by with a glimpse....So fast .... Two years since we graduate...We didn't even realize it....It's been like we all are been together yesterday....So Miss those day...Really miss it a lot!!Now its been store in our memory...I'll never forget our 5S2 days.....And everyone don't forget our promises....LOVE YA!!!
p/s:met someone with his gf...haha....
Day 5
Went to queensbay for a walk...with my Best fRiend/Girlfriend/wife....haha...I used to have a lot of wife...But the other wife (LC) can't make it...so left one with me...and cheng and HM.....then we chit chat till 3 something then go back ad.....Then go my wife(GL) house chat till 5pm...then go my Other friend house for awhile....They playing cards..so don wan disturb them...haha...cause someone is losing at that time.....so went back home early....so bored...
Thats all...Boring holiday.....haha...but better this year...Went here and there....
p/s:our promises...every year of CNY we will gathering on 'che si'....so must keep our promises...
Love you all!!!MUAKZZ
Friday, January 30, 2009
beh song!!
Today something made me so so so so beh song!!!
lol,very beh song lo...
But dunno where to explode it out...
So here I explode it out lo....
Si pek beh song nia!!!
lol,very beh song lo...
But dunno where to explode it out...
So here I explode it out lo....
Si pek beh song nia!!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I desperately need a talk with him
I just don't understand why you wanna do this??
This is not a good thing to do
But why do you have to continue to be this way???
I already advice you,but you seem to be in the same position unchanged
So means that I have wasted my time and energy to persuade you
I don't wanna care about you anymore
Let you be this way since you chose to be
Since you so wanna continue smoking then that's fine
Just don't keep giving yourself excuses to smoke every time
You said give you some time
But how long will that be???We already given you enough time to stop that
But you stopped for 3 months then you smoke again
So what's the point???
This is not a good thing to do
But why do you have to continue to be this way???
I already advice you,but you seem to be in the same position unchanged
So means that I have wasted my time and energy to persuade you
I don't wanna care about you anymore
Let you be this way since you chose to be
Since you so wanna continue smoking then that's fine
Just don't keep giving yourself excuses to smoke every time
You said give you some time
But how long will that be???We already given you enough time to stop that
But you stopped for 3 months then you smoke again
So what's the point???
Thursday, January 22, 2009
how long
So how long does this gonna continue like this???
I'm waiting for this to end...
But will it end???
I don't know...
I'm waiting for this to end...
But will it end???
I don't know...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Flash back!
Haha..today I did something that let my mind swift back my memory!!!
Guess what??This morning I saw my kitchen got a small tin of glucose...
So Then remind me that FU Gui said I lack of 'xue tang' and thats why I always very cold during the class....
Then I took a spoon and eat the glucose and drink a glass of water!!!
This was what I've done during my primary school....
B4 we got into the basketball court or the field to run at the stadium...
haha...that time was so so so fun!!!Insane!!Me and my friend will TAKE a FULL MOUTH of glucose and eat it!!tasted so good!!
And at the end of the day...the small tin sure will finish...cause we all finished it!!
I missed those day and my friends....although some of them changed....
I didn't blame them cause of their changes...cause people will changed somehow....But I just blame the environment that changed them....
Hope you all are well out there!!
Guess what??This morning I saw my kitchen got a small tin of glucose...
So Then remind me that FU Gui said I lack of 'xue tang' and thats why I always very cold during the class....
Then I took a spoon and eat the glucose and drink a glass of water!!!
This was what I've done during my primary school....
B4 we got into the basketball court or the field to run at the stadium...
haha...that time was so so so fun!!!Insane!!Me and my friend will TAKE a FULL MOUTH of glucose and eat it!!tasted so good!!
And at the end of the day...the small tin sure will finish...cause we all finished it!!
I missed those day and my friends....although some of them changed....
I didn't blame them cause of their changes...cause people will changed somehow....But I just blame the environment that changed them....
Hope you all are well out there!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Slam Ball
Haha,do anyone heard of it???
While here I'm going to share some to you all today about this slam ball
There have been a Malaysia Open today,right??
After watching our Malaysian single Lee Chong Wei get the champion and the victory..
My dad change the channel to AXN .... It written Slam ball...
Huh???Is there kinda sports like that...while I was wondering...
There comes the slam ball....haha..it was so funny...but COOL....
You can see the black guy slam dunk!!!WOW!!WOOH....COOL...
But this sports are kinda funny...haha...rules too...and kinda like monkey jumping..
let me show u the picture...


Haha,cool isn't it???
It is a combination of basketball and American football...
haha,the court was, from parts of basketball, football, hockey and gymnastics.
this is totally an amazing sports...that I've ever seen
Hope I got the chance to play it...
Although it is a very 'rough' sports...
p/s:today men double's final match were so exciting (the Korean vs Indonesian)...
While here I'm going to share some to you all today about this slam ball
There have been a Malaysia Open today,right??
After watching our Malaysian single Lee Chong Wei get the champion and the victory..
My dad change the channel to AXN .... It written Slam ball...
Huh???Is there kinda sports like that...while I was wondering...
There comes the slam ball....haha..it was so funny...but COOL....
You can see the black guy slam dunk!!!WOW!!WOOH....COOL...
But this sports are kinda funny...haha...rules too...and kinda like monkey jumping..
let me show u the picture...


Haha,cool isn't it???
It is a combination of basketball and American football...
haha,the court was, from parts of basketball, football, hockey and gymnastics.
this is totally an amazing sports...that I've ever seen
Hope I got the chance to play it...
Although it is a very 'rough' sports...
p/s:today men double's final match were so exciting (the Korean vs Indonesian)...
Friday, January 9, 2009
School Days have just begun!!
I'm so Tired,Lazy,Sleepy,Headache,annoyed,worried!!!
So tired everyday...not enough of rest...
Tuition almost everyday...
Sleep everyday at school if got free period cause BEH TAHAN!!!
And kept bullied by one of my classmate!!
Everyday!!Sob....(help me)
Haha...And so many homework that make me feel exhausted too....
Haizzzz...this is my feeling that for my first week of school !!!!
GAMBATEH to myself!!!
p/s:Congratulations for my friend!!!your dream comes true!!
So tired everyday...not enough of rest...
Tuition almost everyday...
Sleep everyday at school if got free period cause BEH TAHAN!!!
And kept bullied by one of my classmate!!
Everyday!!Sob....(help me)
Haha...And so many homework that make me feel exhausted too....
Haizzzz...this is my feeling that for my first week of school !!!!
GAMBATEH to myself!!!
p/s:Congratulations for my friend!!!your dream comes true!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Welcome 2009!!
So At last a new year has come and Bye 2008!!
This year gotta work hard for my study ad..
Hope this year will be a happy year for me...
And good luck all the times....Kick away all the bad luck...
Wish everything will be fine....
Wish I'll be smiling everyday....
Happy everyday...
And also hope that all my friends out there will be happy too...
This year gotta work hard for my study ad..
Hope this year will be a happy year for me...
And good luck all the times....Kick away all the bad luck...
Wish everything will be fine....
Wish I'll be smiling everyday....
Happy everyday...
And also hope that all my friends out there will be happy too...
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